A downloadable game

Currently in early development.

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>>NEW<< Game Design Document (GDD) and Design Commentary are available now for download!

>>NEW<< Custom Game Creator 2 expansions are available for download! Check Read Me file in the ZIP folder for instructions.

Lost Hours is inspired by genre-defining survival horror classics such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil, but with added RPG elements, visual novel styled cutscenes, and graphic novel cinematics to tie in with my webcomic work. It is a story-based, character driven game that combines some open-world elements with semi-linear yet dynamic plots and side stories, many of which will affect each other, as well as your interactions with other characters in the game. Combat exists, but may not always be the best option for progression; its up to you to decide whether you'd like to risk fighting creatures, sneak past them, or an entirely alternate route around them. Some enemies may only be defeatable under certain conditions, or with certain weapons or gameplay mechanics. Tread carefully. 

The world of Lost Hours is shaped by the characters minds; their personalities, fears, or other trauma. All creatures represent something, and relate back to a specific character and their story. It is your choice whether you'd like to simply pursue the main story and stop whatever may be happening and return to your normal life, or bond with other characters and discover their personal stories and what may be plaguing them; perhaps you can even help them with their struggles? It's up to you.

Development Notes:

Human models were created using Ready Player Me and are being used for prototyping and early development only. Fully custom models will be created and used for official (non-alpha) game versions.

All screenshots subject to major changes as development progresses.

This game was made in Unity using, primarily, Game Creator 2 and all of its modules. More on its development is available here, and in subsequent dev logs.


Game Design Document (2024).pdf 4.1 MB
References and Design Commentary.pdf 4.7 MB
CustomGC2Scripts_McK.zip 9.1 kB

Development log

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